And usually these lies have a small core of truth to them, just enough that its hard to tell that they are lies. When it comes to relationships, these can really trip us up. So picking up on my last post, here are a few to consider - along with some possible underlying fears and some truths that might help bring some relief:
Lie: S/he must understand deeply what they did that hurt me. I need this understanding. If s/he does not understand then I cannot move on.
Possible Underlying Fears that: I am worthless. I'll be alone. Being hurt means I'm bad. If I make a mistake it will have irreparable consequences. I won't be safe. I'm not okay unless they admit what they did
Truth: It would really help a lot if s/he understood deeply what s/he did that hurt me. It may be difficult to move on - but I can embrace my own healing process. His/her understanding is not the sole key to my relief and pursuing it may further hurt the relationship.
Lie: If I cannot trust him/her completely all the time and in all areas then this relationship is bad.
Possible Underlying Fears that: I won't be safe. I'll keep getting hurt. I have no good choices. I'll lose my security. I'll be the stupid one and mistakes like that are not allowed.
Truth: We all slip up. Some lies are worse than others. It is possible to be with someone that we cannot trust in every single way. We can seek to understand what is underneath the lie. (I'm not suggesting you stay in dangerous or damaging relationships, just that taking a step back and unpacking what the fear is and addressing it can really be useful).
Lie: If s/he does not love me all the time no matter what I say or do or how I behave then I must not be lovable. I should able to act/be/say/behave however I want towards him/her/life and s/he should still adore me. (this is usually a quiet but powerful one).
Possible Underlying Fears that: I really am not lovable. I cannot make it on my own without his/her approval and agreement. I'm not safe or important unless s/he is always in sync with me. This relationship really is all bad. I made a big mistake that's unforgivable. I have no good choices.
Truth: In healthy relationships people don't always feel loving or agree with each other all the time. I have infinite worth no matter what, but I am responsible for how I behave and what I say. S/he can be his/her own person - that does not make me less than anyone else. It is unreasonable to act poorly and expect others to still have good feelings about us - even, maybe especially, those we are closest to. I can still express my feelings, but I can do it responsibly.
Lie: If I need something and s/he loves me - s/he should do it - or that means s/he does not really love me - or that means that I am not really lovable. So then I feel alone and I really am alone.
Possible Underlying Fears: I really am alone. I will always feel this way. I must deserve this.
Truth: Feelings are real, but they are not always facts. We can tend to our lies and fears gently and honestly and we can be okay. Sometimes we are alone, but so is everyone and it's not always so bad. I can learn how to cope without so much self criticism and fear. People who love each other don't always do everything right for each other.
Some of us are pretty well aware of these subtle lies and some of us think we've got them licked but somehow they are still influencing our feelings and our behavior. When take a good look at the quiet beliefs that are under our feelings and actions, we can move forward in new ways that can bring us much better feelings and results.
There are many more. What are yours?