Here's what happens sometimes, to some of us. We want it to get better quickly, of course, when it hurts. We want to know, or we think we do. Give me a solution. Fix it. Fix me. Fix him/her. Don't make me wander around in it, or venture into the unknown, the unpredicable. It's too uncertain. Too frustrating. Besides, we think, how will it help? And sometimes especially when our emotional well-being or sense of self seems to be latched on to someone or some situation being different, we lose faith. Often, we (usually unconsciously in part at least) hook our self worth, self esteem, peace of mind to what someone else thinks, understands, agrees with or does. We get lost trying to find ourselves.
The land of doubt and maybe can seem like an endless mine field. We just don't know exactly where the emotional bombs are or what the point of forging forward is, or how, even if were were willing. So much so sometimes, that we don't even want to look around.
Seems to me though, as I continue to hear so many stories of emotional pain, frustration and confusion, that we are more resilient than we think, sometimes more reslient than we want to be. And most of the time, when we ease up on our selves, we somehow can tolerate not knowing just a little bit better. I find too, that we when this happens, the instinctively correct answers seem to come, they seem to emerge from some quiet healthy place deep within, and then instead of the land of doubt and maybe being littered with bombs, it becomes abundant with possibilities.
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